Authored by Zipher Medical Affairs, now part of Lumanity

Despite the significant education and experience of Medical Affairs Professionals, their value is often questioned — likely because the business objective and impact of Medical Affairs teams are unclear. Their colleagues in Regulatory, R&D, and even
Commercial have defined quantitative and milestone-driven goals, making it easier to track outcomes and measure their contribution toward business objectives. The Medical Affairs goal is not as well defined and outcomes are described in terms of tactical wins — the number of engagements, publications, or insights collected — it’s a struggle to communicate their deep connection to an overall strategic goal and how each member of the medical team contributes. This challenge can limit the effectiveness of the team and their ability to stand as a strategic partner within the company.

Imagine a rowing team in which each crew member understands their position and the role that they play, but they don’t know how to navigate the course or when — or if — they have crossed the finish line. Although individual focus, motivation, and energy may exist, would the value of this team be known? How would they synchronize actions and navigate to the finish? That’s the conundrum Medical Affairs teams face when their goal is undefined.

Would the situation change if we define the goal and clarify the finish line?