Patient Engagement

Hear My Voice™ is our promise
The importance of the patient voice in the development of treatments and health services cannot be overstated. We believe that active and ongoing patient engagement will result in more effective and beneficial treatments, and ultimately help improve patient outcomes and overall health. Hear My Voice enshrines our commitment to weaving the voice of the patient into the fabric of new treatment development.

Lumanity’s Patient Center of Excellence brings together scientists, researchers, communicators, strategists, and change makers from across the organization to weave the patient and caregiver voice into everything we do. The Center of Excellence allows us to share best practices, drive innovation, and ensure we are providing our clients with industry-leading patient engagement and partnership. We believe this not only reflects our commitment to patients and to the advancement of patient-focused research, but that creating a dedicated forum for this work will lead to better treatments and improved outcomes.

Our Expert Patient Bureau is comprised of expert patient advocates with rare diseases, chronic diseases, and cancer survivors, as well as digital opinion leaders and innovators from around the world. Each member has a unique perspective and expertise to provide lived patient perspectives and long-term patient viewpoints to help optimize drug development and accelerate access to medical therapies.
The Bureau ensures our programs/offerings are supported by external, lived patient perspective in real time, and encourages sustainable and long-term relationships with patients, their organizations and our clients across end-to-end program development. Additionally, a core group of expert patient advocates meets regularly to advise our teams on patient-related client questions, industry issues, and best practices.
Bureau members are also available to support clients to help ensure patient-focused drug development and meaningful patient-centric commercialization solutions. Learn how you can benefit from engaging with Lumanity’s Expert Patient Bureau.
We would love to hear your challenge and discuss how our patient engagement experts can help.