For several years, social media has played an integral and increasing role in the healthcare narrative. Its advent has helped to democratize health, empower, and give voice to a wide range of stakeholder groups; most critically, a voice to patients. It has provided a safe environment for those wishing to express themselves freely on sensitive health matters and has become a forum where many go to find support from cultural and disease stigmatization existing in the offline world.

Patients have utilized various channels such as online forums, Facebook and TikTok to share their experiences and speak their truth, to seek and share information, and to connect with others who share their disease.

However, in recent months, we have seen an expansion in the role of social media. Download our latest white paper that explores the role of social media and its positive and negative impact on treatment decisions and access.

“Social media has traditionally been a haven for patients to escape cultural and disease stigmatization existing in the offline world. Yet because of social media, T2D patients are now facing shortages, access restrictions, and the need to justify their true medical need for GLP-1-RA, causing turmoil and resentment.”

Download the white paper

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