Leeann Lui PharmD

Leeann leads Lumanity's pricing and contracting capabilities, specializing in identifying, evaluating, and understanding the broad range of key market drivers that support economically justifiable pricing and contracting strategies. She has extensive expertise in pricing dynamics across multiple stakeholders, including payers, PBMs, GPOs, IDNs, and government entities, that she couples with operational experience in contract negotiation, execution, and management to support recommendations aligned to brand and portfolio objectives throughout the lifecycle of a product.
Prior to joining Lumanity in 2023, Leeann held increasing roles and responsibilities in strategic pricing, contracting, value and access, access and reimbursement, and national account management supporting 15 branded products overall, including 6 launches, across various therapeutic categories. These include endocrinology, immunology, cardiovascular, and rare disease with both primary care and specialty products. Other areas of expertise and experience include value-based contracting, government pricing and calculations, access and reimbursement strategies including copay cards, gross to net forecasting, and pricing analytics.
Leeann recently led all pricing and contracting support for Lumanity’s engagement of end-to-end support for a product in cycle 1 of the CMS Medicare drug price negotiation process, specifically in the development and execution of an interactive Pricing Assumption Model to estimate MFP offer scenarios.
Leeann earned her PharmD from Rutgers University and completed her post-doctoral fellowship with Sanofi in Market Access Channel Development and Medical Information Services.