Michael Parisi MBA

Global Practice Lead, Medical Strategy & Communications

Michael joined Lumanity in late 2021 through the acquisition of Guidemark Health, where he was the CEO for the last 3 years. Michael has spent his entire career working across all aspects of product development and commercialization within the oncology and rare disease marketplaces. Before joining Guidemark Health, Michael spent over 17 years at WPP, running the specialty marketing divisions of Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide.

Michael has always been passionate about identifying healthcare’s biggest challenges and working collaboratively to create innovative solutions. He has been a passionate patient advocate for many years, currently serving as the Board President for CancerCare (a US-based non-profit organization) and is a member of the Board of Directors for LUNGevity (a non-profit organization focused on lung cancer).

As an undergraduate, Michael studied Psychology at Montclair State University and earned an MBA with a concentration in Corporate Finance from Fairleigh Dickinson University.