We sat down with Clara Guo, MD MBA, an alumna of Clarion/Lumanity who is the co-founder and CEO of Lucid.
Care Labs
, a company looking to utilize digital and AI approaches to drive innovation in psychiatry to improve the
lives of patients, to talk about the evolving digital and AI landscape and impact specifically in the psychiatry space.

Key takeaways:

  • The promising future of precision psychiatry and how Lucid.Care is paving the way.
  • The evolution of digital therapeutics and their impact on mental health care.
  • The role of AI in bridging the gap between patients and clinicians.

Read the full interview to dive deeper into the advancements and future of digital health in psychiatry.

Contact us

Lumanity offers extensive experience-based strategic guidance and insights in the field of neuroscience. Our goal is to provide our clients with actionable solutions that de-risk and optimize the development and commercialization of therapies, ultimately improving the lives of patients who are impacted across a range of conditions.

Contact us to learn more about how Lumanity can support your unique challenge today.