Watch to understand how distinct channel habits and preferences are to a particular HCP specialists, or where there are common themes regardless of specialty.
Lumanity’s proprietary syndicated HCP engagement offering, Engage, enables us to clearly understand which channels are offering value to across the board and where differences lie by specialty. This will enable you to target your audience most appropriately with the optimal channel mix.
Presenter details
Sarah Brown
Commercial Research Lead, Lumanity
Sarah Brown has over 18 years’ experience in international pharma market research. Sarah has developed, established and run large scale syndicated quantitative research programs covering a wide range of therapy areas. She has attended and published at disease-specific conference such as the American Thoracic Society (ATS) and World Federation of Haemophilia (WFH). More recently, Sarah has focused on omni-channel excellence and brought together her syndicated, international and quantitative experience to develop a new syndicated offering in this area.