The need for more agile and focused research insights comes against a backdrop of increasing pressure across the industry. Staying ahead of the curve not only requires a deep understanding of the intricate interplay of market trends, competitive landscape, and patient needs, but the ability to adapt quickly to new scenarios. At Lumanity, we continuously challenge ourselves on how we can get closer to patients, and to the needs of all stakeholders in ways that deliver incremental value our clients.

Lumanity experts will share the most client-relevant insights from four of the papers showcased as part of our recent internal Research Festival.

1. Dialing Up Your Patient Insights
Presenter: Joel Shopland

Differentiating frameworks to better understand and engage patients across multiple diseases and contexts. Find out about:

  • The value of applying a framework that allows comparison across diseases and patients
  • How these models can be applied independently or in conjunction
  • How to activate – addressing different scenarios and incorporating behavioural analysis

2. Gaining a More Agile & Holistic Market Understanding
Presenter: Laura Galimam

The power of narrative-led social media monitoring approaches. Find out about:

  • How narrative-led social media monitoring let’s you go deeper and helps drive confident decisions
  • How best to mix qualitative and quantitative methodologies to ensure clarity and actionable reporting
  • Real-world examples of how this approach is elevating insights around shifting trends and perceptions – impacting launch optimization and beyond

3. Getting Closer to HCPs
Presenter: Mary Stewart

Insightful methods to truly understand the interplay of the emotional and rational factors that drive behaviours. Find out about:

  • How to apply precision methods that lead to an accurate and clearly articulated understanding of your customers
  • How to focus research to ensure clarity on what needs to be communicated
  • How best to overcome habit prescribing and entrenched behaviours

4. Power of Generative-AI Led Role Play
Presenter: Damian Eade

Hear how Lumanity’s new proprietary Generative-AI Role Play application can be used within research to bring patient personas to life. Find out about:

  • How Generative AI can be effectively leveraged to get closer to the holy grail of research – to be a fly-on-the-wall of the doctor-patient consultation
  • Understand the key considerations in creating a virtual patient that is both ‘human’ and faithful to key segment characteristics
  • Understand the range of market research business challenges to which this tool can be applied to dig deeper and reveal more unique, authentic insights