Market Access

Gaining successful market access for new products has become increasingly complex in recent years. With rising cost pressure and the increasing negotiating power of payers, new products are at risk of not reaching their full potential or the patients who need them.
In this complex and evolving market access landscape, realizing the potential of your product means defining and cementing its value for the full range of market access stakeholders. At Lumanity, we work from strategy to implementation, combining the strategic acumen of a market access consultancy with the creative energy of an advertising agency, to help our clients define and achieve their goals. By fusing market insights with expert strategy and award-winning communications, we empower clients to understand and engage market access influencers and decision-makers.

Our insights and strategy experts work together to understand the market access environment and bring strategic solutions that generate impact for your product. From payer ecosystem mapping and segmentation to pricing and contracting, our experts help you take confident and decisive action.

Effective communication and engagement with multiple stakeholders are pivotal to successful market access. Our creative communicators craft integrated clinical and economic value stories and develop tailored campaigns that deliver your product’s value proposition with impact.

We work closely with your teams to share best practices, build market access acumen, and ensure organizational alignment. From innovative training programs to launch planning and measurement, we cover all bases to empower your teams to achieve success.
We love a new challenge. Whether you need support on a specific project or an agency of record to help drive access for your latest product, our experts are ready to speak to you.