
COVID-19: The Impact on Clinical Trials and a Catalyst for Change
As we adapt to living and doing business in the evolving environment caused by COVID-19, we should seriously reflect on the enormous disruption the pandemic has had on clinical development. For the many hundreds of thousands of people participating in trials every year, and those relying on the new treatments being studied, the delays and upheaval have caused exceptional distress and worry, especially for those relying on breakthrough therapies in areas of the greatest unmet need.
View Oct 14, 2020
Social Media and the Impact on Healthcare
Whatever your opinion on peer review, impact factors or the current medical publication models, medical publications remain and should remain central to medical communications. Only by having data in the public domain in a transparent way can clinicians educate themselves on new data, changing trends and best practice. Medical education and marketing in healthcare relies on data and associated publications being high-quality and robust - regardless of whether the basis of a publication is data from a large-clinical trial, market research, from a registry or an individual case study.
View Aug 17, 2020