The 27th Annual American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy Meeting took place May 7 – 11, 2024 in Baltimore, Maryland, and focused on the latest scientific research, and technologies in the gene and cell therapy space. Here are the five key takeaways from Lumanity Strategy Consulting experts attending the event.

  1. Autoimmune disorders as a new, key frontier – After years of focus on rare diseases and cancer, recent advances are putting curative approaches to autoimmune disorders on the map with a wide range of approaches being investigated and significant excitement around CAR transduced immune cell therapies
  2. Personalized approaches showing great promise with multiple tools coming to fore, but major questions still exist about how these will work in practice, how to operationalize, and how to improve these approaches over time
  3. Multiple novel engineered editors in development for gene writing, however, while the applications are vast, therapeutic applications are still limited by lack of delivery systems beyond local and hepatic delivery
  4. Multiple under the radar avenues of therapy being explored, often with years of work behind them- Prenatal cell therapy as a good example, with evidence in certain immunodeficiencies and bone disorders and the promise of treating structural issues before they occur
  5. Proactive efforts to enhance diversity in trials – Companies and physicians are actively working to diversify trials for cell and gene therapies by sharing best practices and practical approaches, leading not just to more diverse populations, but better convenience for patients generally

Are you looking for guidance in the rare disorder and/or gene therapy space? Lumanity navigates the dynamic landscape of cell and gene therapy innovation, offering expert guidance and innovative solutions to overcome development, value demonstration, and commercialization challenges, ensuring a clear path to delivering value and transforming patients’ lives. Contact us to learn how we can help you today.