Advances in oncology mean that in many more situations, therapies are extending life, and many more cancer patients are receiving years – not just months – of therapy. When we think about convenience and compliance, we typically think about chronic conditions, and cancer is now a chronic condition for many patients. So, has the time come for a conversation about dosing and convenience in oncology?

Focusing on that conversation earlier in the drug development process could mean finding not just the most effective dose, but the most convenient dosing and delivery for the patient – resulting in a decreased burden on patients’ day-to-day lives as well as reduced cost for both the patient and the healthcare system.

Roz Lawson (Vice President, Commercial Consulting) explores this topic further with biopharma leader Elizabeth Shaheen.

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There’s clearly something not working correctly, when you see so many patients dropping off and not completing their full duration of therapy. Efficacy advances might be enough for the physician to decide which therapy to use, but when it comes to the real-world setting, efficacy might not be enough for every patient to stay on therapy and conclude their treatment.