Focus Area Cancer Cell Therapy

The Client

  • Global biopharma company with strong oncology franchise performance but nascent presence within cell and gene therapy (CGT) landscape.


  • Having successfully redefined its oncology business to focus on innovative therapeutic candidates, company was prioritizing CGT as a core focus within its broader oncology R&D strategy.
  • If successful, the company would be positioned to capture swaths of white space across the solid tumor landscape.
  • Given how crowded and dynamic the competitive landscape has become, the company was tasked with monitoring a diverse array of novel approaches to address safety and efficacy of CGT products emerging at an unprecedented pace, each with a varying likelihood, magnitude, and timing of impact to field.


  • Developed an optimizing framework for identifying, monitoring, and handicapping emerging scientific developments needed to inform strategic planning for the client’s CGT portfolio.
  • Contextualization of emerging trends, future insights, positioning implications for the client within the broader, forward-looking competitive landscape.
  • Provided client with updates and corresponding implications at regular (quarterly) intervals and/or following key events such as major oncology congresses (e.g., AACR, ASCO, ASH).

Valued Outcome

  • Lumanity was able to serve as an insightful and experienced partner to help create, contextualize, and maintain a framework and searchable database of relevant information for the client to continually monitor the evolving CGT landscape.
  • As an emerging group within a broader global biopharma, our client was able to leverage our output and insight to build upon its extant technical offerings and added a range of additional programs to its burgeoning CGT pipeline.