Strategic risk is often overlooked within the pharmaceutical industry. There’s a perception that someone else is looking after the risk responsibilities. Or there is more of a focus on internal risks, with little thought to the larger external factors that can have a significant impact on your launch.

We see common risks arise from competitor launches, multi-indication launches, and supply chain issues. Unmitigated risks can lead to costly delays. So, what can you do to identify the risks in your asset launch and successfully mitigate them?

In our latest Launch Excellence Alchemy podcast, our team of experts discuss and share their thoughts, tips, and solutions, with a focus on:

  • The common strategic risks that arise during the launch of an asset
  • Why it’s important to create a strategic risk system to monitor these risks
  • Creating an appropriate plan to mitigate risks and identifying who is accountable

Join John Crick, Launch Excellence Project Lead, Penny Matthews, Ignite Engagement Lead, and Andrew Coates, Risk Management Expert as they share ideas to think outside the box when it comes to risk management.

Learn how effective launch teams use Ignite™ technology to track and update the risks for their product launch. A simple way to create and manage risks; centrally, in real-time, alongside your launch plans Find out more and schedule a free demo.

Contact us to book a complimentary consultation with a Launch Excellence expert at Lumanity, to discuss how we can help you identify and manage the strategic risks in your asset launch.

“As launch excellence partners, we help people identify ahead of time those strategic risks, and really embed that in so that you do have the ability to be able to make those decisions correctly.”

John Crick – Launch Excellence Project Lead