
Widespread Mental Health Provider Shortages Demand Innovative Options
As demand for mental health treatment continues to rise, the healthcare system is facing challenges in meeting current and future needs. The United States has enough psychiatrists to meet only 26% of the country’s needs, and this shortfall is expected to continue.
View Aug 25, 2023
CAR T-Cell Therapies in the US, UK and EU4
The Lumanity team (then “BresMed”) supported the first successful HTA submissions to NICE in CAR T-cell therapy, and years on from the first approval, access to these innovative new therapies has expanded markedly. To help understand how countries currently evaluate established novel therapies, we have produced a whitepaper examining the primary factors that drive reimbursement decisions for CAR T-cell therapy across the US, UK and EU4 (France, Germany, Italy and Spain).
Whitepaper Aug 8, 2023