Real World Evidence

The data landscape is complex and evolving rapidly. The expanding number of data types and sources, the advancement of technology-driven solutions, and the increasing demand for richer and more targeted data with therapeutic area and outcomes focus is providing new opportunities to navigate the increasingly complex path to market. We help our clients identify fit-for-purpose real world data and design studies to generate the strongest evidence to meet stakeholder needs.

The PHARMO Institute, an organization dedicated to developing cutting-edge solutions that support enhanced real world data analytics, is part of Lumanity. The PHARMO Institute focuses on pharmaco-epidemiology, drug utilization, drug safety, and health outcomes and they have direct access to longitudinal anonymized patient level data from the Netherlands. Together, we provide unparalleled RWE expertise and access to unique, longitudinal, and clinically rich data assets. Contact us to discuss and confirm your research insight needs.
We would love to hear your challenge and discuss how our team of real world evidence experts can help.